
2008年12月21日 星期日





古巴革命五十年,後援會在農曆年後,即將在台北縣、台北市、嘉義縣、台南市、北京等地,異地異時(也就是主辦者各自選擇方便的時間)舉辦古巴紀錄片(3 部)、劇情片(4 部)與旅遊片(3部)展。各地主辦人也將自己決定放映期間與間隔。片目請見附檔。










Brand Cuba  29 December & 5 January  programme times


Part 1:  7 January -(Wednesday Documentary)

Part 2:  9 January - (Friday Documentary)


Steve Evans presents three reports from Miami and Havana:

Part 1:  Economic life in Cuba today - 31 December

Part 2:  An audit of the Cuban economy and the effect of 50 years of tropical socialism - 1 January

Part 3:  The 'Antis' in Miami - what do they want if the regime falls? - 2 January




1 January programme times


A profile of Cuba's current leader, who was one of the commanders of the Revolution.

27 December programme times


As Cuba marks the 50th anniversary of the Revolution, Charlie selects some of his favourite tracks from the island.

27 December programme times


American singer guitarist and composer Ry Cooder talks about Cuban music and his Buena Vista Social Club recording project.

30 December programme times (The Strand 2)


Harriett Gilbert examines the contemporary literary and movie scene in Cuba and the impact the Revolution has had on artistic expression.

31 December programme times (The Strand 3)


Lucy Ash speaks to young Cubans from Miami about their lives and their views on the country of their forebears.

1st January programme times



There will also be live reports from Cuba along with analysis and comment throughout our news programming on the day of the anniversary of the Revolution, 1 January.
1993,草莓與巧克力 110分)
1994, Madgascar80分)
2004 Oliver Stone訪問Fidel Castro三十小時(120分)
20061128英國第四頻道首播638 ways to kill Castro(一小時)
2007, Power of Community(一小時)
Havana, 2 parts,40分)
San Diego20分)

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