哈瓦那雪茄節 2月底圓滿結束
(原標題)第22屆哈瓦那雪茄節 月底在古巴盛大開幕
太陽網/David 2020.02.14 14:00
這篇文章 第22屆哈瓦那雪茄節 月底在古巴盛大開幕 最早出現於 太陽網。
Venezuela's PDVSA steps up fuel shipments to Cuba as shortages bite
路透社報導,美國加強霸凌古巴,致使古巴石油更短缺。沒想到的是,似乎自身難保的委內瑞拉,近來增加對古巴的石油運送:PDVSA在一月時,已經減少到每日 5.6萬桶,但2月以來增加至 17.3萬桶。
俄海軍總司令訪問古巴 俄媒指或在古巴建核潛艇基地2020/2/18
香港中通社2月18日電 “俄羅斯可能在古巴建立海軍核潛艇基地”,俄《獨立報》17日以此為題稱,俄海軍總司令葉夫梅諾夫16日啟程,開始對古巴進行為期6天的工作訪問。
美國霸凌 古巴財務困窘 債務違約陰影出現2020-02-23
(原標題)美國制裁下古巴財務困窘 籠罩債務違約陰影2020-02-23 22:56 中央社
古巴2015年曾透過全球富國組成的「巴黎俱樂部」(Paris Club)和14個國家協商債務重組,但去年古巴便未按時償還其中6國債務,分別是奧地利、比利時、英國、法國、日本和西班牙。
面對如此嚴重問題,古巴副總理凱布瑞薩斯(Ricardo Cabrisas)嘗試安撫各國。根據法新社見到凱布瑞薩斯致函巴黎俱樂部主席芮諾-巴索(Odile Renaud-Basso)的一封信件,他承諾古巴會在5月底前還清逾期債務。
(編輯小組補充)Cuba fails to make payment in key debt accord, sources say
古巴在2015年與14個富裕國協定,將其111億美元債務豁免85億,因此至2019,古巴在2033年前得償付14國26億美元。2015以來古巴都忠實履約,但去年卻爽約,古巴債務協商人 Ricardo Cabrisas在2020/1於巴黎說,這是因美國霸凌/制裁所致。在古巴的外國企業正面臨收不到錢,古巴的債權國也被告知要有耐心。因為在美國制裁壓力下,古巴出現償債困難,情況引發各債權國嚴重擔憂。
古巴2015年曾透過全球富國組成的「巴黎俱樂部」(Paris Club)和14個國家協商債務重組,但去年古巴便未按時償還其中6國債務,分別是奧地利、比利時、英國、法國、日本和西班牙。
面對如此嚴重問題,古巴副總理凱布瑞薩斯(Ricardo Cabrisas)嘗試安撫各國。根據法新社見到凱布瑞薩斯致函巴黎俱樂部主席芮諾-巴索(Odile Renaud-Basso)的一封信件,他承諾古巴會在5月底前還清逾期債務。
(編輯小組補充)Cuba fails to make payment in key debt accord, sources say
北京新浪網 (2020-02-25 13:42)
數百古巴難民欲越境 海關封閉美墨邊境橋樑2020/3/1
中美洲難民問題難解。(Getty Images圖片)
14:32:08 來源: 新華網
67歲的卷煙工何塞·米格爾·阿爾瓦雷斯已有30多年“卷煙齡”。出生于煙農之家的他和妻子、兒子、孫女、侄子一起在拉科羅納雪茄廠工作。“我希望我3個曾孫中也能有一個成為卷煙工。” 阿爾瓦雷斯説。他告訴記者,拉科羅納的卷煙工一般需要學習9個月的課程,雖有教學,但古巴雪茄更講究傳統傳承,許多家庭都有多人從事種煙、制煙,憑借雙眼和雙手常年累積經驗。
2月27日,在古巴哈瓦那的拉科羅納雪茄廠,一名工人挑選卷制雪茄的煙葉。 新華社發(華金·埃爾南德斯攝)
聯合報 / 施昇輝電影


Pornography and the Internet: Its Impact on Cuban Society
February 23, 2020
By Zona Binaria
In Cuba, the increase in internet access has meant a parallel increase in the consumption of pornography. It still remains far from topping the list of countries with the highest data traffic within the statistics of the Pornhub platform.
However, reports from the site itself, reveal that the increase in Cuba’s participation in the web during the last 5 years has been overwhelming; appearing as one of the leaders in internet surfing growth from cell phones – according to data from 2016. The increase in mobile traffic to Pornhub amongst Cuban users was 310%.
The explanation of this phenomenon became evident since the implementation and increase of Wi-Fi points in the country as of 2013, the reduction in navigation rates in 2015 and the enablement of access through mobile data in December 2018. Therefore, the consumption of pornography in Cuba is under new conditions caused by increased internet access.
To undertake this article, 20 young Cubans were surveyed – aged between 20 and 35 years. 15% confessed to consume online pornography, arguing that the facilities had arisen in the face of greater internet access within recent years. 55% admitted having downloaded pornographic videos from websites such as Bingoporno, Miporno and of course – Pornhub.
What motivates a Cuban to use the Internet to consume porn (at its still relatively expensive price) when the distribution by USBs still works effectively? The possibility of choosing content within greater diversity – was one of the responses of the respondents.
Telegram and its XXX channels
When the cost of Internet browsing is as high as it is in our country, any tool that promises to speed up the process and optimize our search is a treasure. Telegram, the application developed by the Dúrov brothers – launched in 2013, provides the user with a huge amount of multimedia content in the most automatic way possible.
In 2015, the application incorporated the “channels” service. Through this option it is possible to send all types of files on a massive scale; allowing users to subscribe in an open and unlimited way. These channels can be found on the web via a URL – being able to access the entire history of sent messages.
Hundreds of institutions and individuals currently use this route to disseminate their contents, and of course the proliferation of XXX channels was notoriously fruitful.
At the end of the year 2019 there were hundreds of Telegram channels where pornographic content was shared. By subscribing to one of these channels – The Bots – the virtual assistants of Telegram, a board of options is shown with the most diverse sexual content.
In this way, the user can select the variety of his or her preference, and the bot redirects him or her to the videos of that category. This process saves the user considerable navigation time trying to find and select the specific content that they are looking for.
Some of these sites are very active; publishing dozens of daily videos and with several thousand subscribers. There are also channels specializing in home or amateur videos; the category that tops the list of preferences, according to Pornhub statistics.
Of the young people surveyed, 25% admitted to subscribing to an XXX channel on Telegram.
Is pornography morally acceptable?
What is understood as pornography is conditioned by the subjectivities of each person with respect to sex. But the conception is – almost always, of a video or photograph showing sexual intercourse or an explicit sexual act. This explicitness is what the user, spectator, consumer – expects. What the industry has created as an expectation, and what differentiates a pornographic material from an erotic one.
The human being is, in general, highly sensitive to visual stimuli, the inclination to observe sexual scenes is an innate characteristic. The areas of the brain that are activated when watching pornography are the same that are stimulated during sexual intercourse, the brain releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter mainly associated with the anticipation of reward that also acts in the programming of memories and of information in the brain.
This means that when the body wants, for example, food or sex, the brain remembers what it must do to get the same pleasure as on previous occasions. This, combined with the accessibility and anonymity provided by the consumption of porn, makes us extremely sensitive subjects to its hyper stimulant effects.
There are conflicting opinions about the morality of pornography; a sector of society condemns it for its commercial nature and because it can trigger an addictive and therefore harmful vice for the individual.
However, a current train of thought considers it an art form, in order to show the beauty of human sexuality. Some defend this precept by arguing that it is a form of freedom, and that it is fundamental to the evolution of a society free from prejudices and taboos.
All of the 20 young people surveyed, confessed to having accessed pornography, 55% of them being women, thus demonstrating that females, who historically represent a smaller percentage, are also consumers of this industry. However, there are few those who dare to admit it – as they remain subjugated to the social prejudices of yesteryear.
The survey also revealed that 70% had made homemade pornographic videos with their partners, 50% had maintained telephone sex, via instant messaging or video calls, and another 35% admitted that they would like to try this practice. The opinions in general of the young people with whom I had the opportunity to spend time with, were of support and acceptance to the porn industry – 95% of them said that they considered it morally acceptable.
However, all agreed on the danger of excess. The scenes that can be seen in porn, as with addictive substances, are hyper stimulant triggers that produce an unnatural secretion of high levels of dopamine, which can deteriorate the reward system of dopamine and render it useless in the face of a natural pleasure source.
Psychiatrist Norman Doidge explains it this way:
“Pornography satisfies each of the prerequisites for neuroplastic change. When pornographers boast that they are going one step further by introducing new and stronger themes, they forget that they must do so because their clients are developing a tolerance to the usual content.”
The data collected by Pornhub reveals that conventional sex is less and less interesting for consumers, who replace it with themes such as incest or violence. The perpetuation of sexual violence is especially worrisome, as it could directly influence the statistics of violent episodes in real life.
What is the position of the Cuban state in the face of the increase in porn consumption in our country?
The current Law no. 62 of the Criminal Code of Cuba (Art. 303, subsection C), penalizes with a penalty of deprivation of liberty ranging from three months to one year, or a fine of 100 to 300 installments to he who “produces or circulates publications, prints, film tapes or tape, recordings, photographs or other objects that are obscene, with a tendency to pervert and degrade customs. ”
What are those objects? What is considered obscene? What can pervert and degrade customs? Which customs? As much as the State tries to keep Cubans outside of the “obscenities” considered improper in the socialist system, the ports of entry always mocked them. If not, how did Playboy magazines and graphic-erotic novels enter the country? And the “original” movies on VHS, with their covers illustrated in colors?
The USB distribution – copying content on external discs – revolutionized the modalities of audiovisual consumption in Cuba. Thus, resulting in the first channel for the “virilization” of content on the Island. Porn, was not left out.
So how could the government control the consumption of porn over the Internet? What mechanisms does one adopt in restricting access to pornographic content for children and adolescents?
Although many have insisted on showing a “neat” image of Cuba in that sense, the consumption of pornography among adolescents is a reality, even within educational centers. In the surveys carried out, 65% confessed to having consumed pornography before the age of 15, and 15% of them admitted to having started watching porn merely out of curiosity.
The most alarming of these figures is that if we take into account that we are talking about the 90s and the beginning of the 2000s, when the access and distribution of pornography was negligible compared to the current levels, it can be speculated that the percentages are much higher in children and adolescents today.
There is, at least not legally or publicly registered, any mechanism for the Cuban telecommunications company – ETECSA, to regulate the consumption of pornography – especially the consumption among minors.
These mechanisms could be aimed at identifying the mobile devices of children and adolescents to restrict access to this type of material, create alert generation systems before the attempt to access these devices, by sending notifications to parents, encouraging the use of parental control tools.
These actions could be considered duties of the company with respect to consumption via the Internet. The rest would be the responsibility of families and school institutions, although controlling all distribution channels among minors is practically impossible, especially when there are very popular alternative channels in Cuba, such as Zapya, a mobile application for wireless file sharing, or the USB copy.
The scenario demands to modernize the regulations. It is absurd that the production and distribution of pornographic material is penalized or that its exhibition in theaters is censored and its entry intended to be controlled from abroad, when the Internet remains an open and increasingly popular channel in Cuba, as in the rest of the world, for all those activities.
It’s necessary to admit that the consumption of pornography in Cuba is a fact; open your eyes to the reality of what has been going on for decades and that it is gaining more strength in the face of the internet’s rise and access in our country.
Instead of masking the truths and trying to avoid the tarnishing of this false image of ‘the preservers of good manners and morality’, it is imperative to adapt regulations and laws so that they themselves may adapt to the times we are living in, and thus work so that the explosion of multimedia does not foment crime or especially affect children and adolescents – the most vulnerable to all these changes.
〔記者方惠宗/台北報導〕瑞士高級製錶商Zenith(真力時)與古巴著名雪茄製造商Habanos(哈伯納斯)共同揭開雙方最新合作的「羅密歐與茱麗葉特別版腕錶」,透過全新情侶對錶彰顯Elite系列的雋永之美,以及「羅密歐與茱麗葉精品雪茄」(Romeo Y Julieta)的迷人魅力,同時紀念羅密歐與茱麗葉雪茄品牌成立145週年,全球限量發售145對。
Zenith Elite系列月相腕錶茱麗葉腕錶。(Zenith提供)
Zenith Elite系列羅密歐腕錶。(Zenith提供)
牙買加防堵武漢肺炎 要找百名古巴護士幫忙2020/3/14

牙買加總理霍尼斯(Andrew Holness)。(圖:Andrew Holness推特)
牙買加總理霍尼斯(Andrew Holness)13日宣佈,由於冠狀病毒感染的威脅,宣佈牙買加為災區,並且尋求100名古巴護士來協助因應。
古巴「神奇藥品」 攻克肺炎之鑰?2020-03-19 聯合報A12
登革熱外,a2b的療效在對B與C型肝炎、帶狀皰疹及HIV-AIDS等疾病,也都已經得到肯定。二○○三年中古兩國合資成立長春海伯爾生技公司後,已在二○○八年推出a2b注射液,且很快得到認可,「口碑極高」。 如今,醫界認為a2b對於類似COVID-19的病毒治療,應該有效,可以阻止病情惡化與致死的併發症。
當年的神奇之藥a2b,這次是否能夠再次神奇,還待分曉。不過,除了近鄰牙買加商請古巴來幫忙 ,也有不少拉丁美洲國家如巴拿馬、委內瑞拉、智利等向古巴進口該項產品;甚至,對哈瓦那很不友善、去年等於是驅離古巴醫生的巴西,也因疫情轉惡而要請古巴派遣醫生。更遠的南韓與德國,也都已使用a2b,在其八千多與九千多病患中,死亡人數相對較低,分別是八十四與廿六人。
古巴也派遣一組醫護人員,協同大陸專家前往幫助義大利;英國郵輪布雷默號在吃了多國閉門羹後,最後由古巴接納停靠其港口,有一千多乘客,含四十五位確診或需隔離的人。(郵輪上乘客Steve Dale的推文說,「我們應該記住古巴為我們所做的一切,在這些大英國協國家或保護國沒有一人願意提供任何協助時,古巴伸出了援手。」)(馮建三/政大新聞系教授/台北市)
Pornography and the Internet: Its Impact on Cuban Society
February 23, 2020
By Zona Binaria
– Pornography and erotic representations date back to the oldest times of humanity. Since the Paleolithic era, primitive tribes had already established a totemic cult centered towards procreation, the womb and the phallic cult.
Based on these ancient cults, it is assumed that paleolithic figures of Venus, such as the Willendorf Venus, evoked human admiration for the genitals, motherhood, fertility and eroticism, through breasts and buttocks of exaggerated proportions – with a possible intention to represent pornography.
In Indian culture, especially within philosophies such as that of the Tantra, it was understood that sex was a part of human divinity and at times represented a path towards spiritual enlightenment. The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana (400-200 BC) is the epitome of sexuality in Ancient India.
The classical societies of Ancient Greece and the Ancient Roman Empire adopted human sexuality as the basis of artistic expression. The representation of sexual scenes was common in these civilizations; one example being the details in the frescoes of the suburban baths of Pompeii, where scenes with sexually explicit acts are appreciated – including the representations of group sex, homosexual and oral sex.
The modern concept of pornography is defined by the massive commercialization of erotic material, thus abandoning its artistic character and increasing its distribution via mass production, thereby gaining a greater presence dating from the sexual revolution during the 1970s to the present day.
Since the advent of the Internet, pornographic consumption has skyrocketed to astonishing levels. Pornhub, the largest free porn website on the network, received more than 42 billion visits during the year 2019, which is equivalent to the impressive 115 million visits a day. Within the statistics of the site, it was revealed that amateur videos top the list of user preferences and that 32% of people who access the website are women – increasing by 3% compared to the previous year.
Does more internet mean more porn in Cuba?
– Pornography and erotic representations date back to the oldest times of humanity. Since the Paleolithic era, primitive tribes had already established a totemic cult centered towards procreation, the womb and the phallic cult.
Based on these ancient cults, it is assumed that paleolithic figures of Venus, such as the Willendorf Venus, evoked human admiration for the genitals, motherhood, fertility and eroticism, through breasts and buttocks of exaggerated proportions – with a possible intention to represent pornography.
In Indian culture, especially within philosophies such as that of the Tantra, it was understood that sex was a part of human divinity and at times represented a path towards spiritual enlightenment. The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana (400-200 BC) is the epitome of sexuality in Ancient India.
The classical societies of Ancient Greece and the Ancient Roman Empire adopted human sexuality as the basis of artistic expression. The representation of sexual scenes was common in these civilizations; one example being the details in the frescoes of the suburban baths of Pompeii, where scenes with sexually explicit acts are appreciated – including the representations of group sex, homosexual and oral sex.
The modern concept of pornography is defined by the massive commercialization of erotic material, thus abandoning its artistic character and increasing its distribution via mass production, thereby gaining a greater presence dating from the sexual revolution during the 1970s to the present day.
Since the advent of the Internet, pornographic consumption has skyrocketed to astonishing levels. Pornhub, the largest free porn website on the network, received more than 42 billion visits during the year 2019, which is equivalent to the impressive 115 million visits a day. Within the statistics of the site, it was revealed that amateur videos top the list of user preferences and that 32% of people who access the website are women – increasing by 3% compared to the previous year.
Does more internet mean more porn in Cuba?
In Cuba, the increase in internet access has meant a parallel increase in the consumption of pornography. It still remains far from topping the list of countries with the highest data traffic within the statistics of the Pornhub platform.
However, reports from the site itself, reveal that the increase in Cuba’s participation in the web during the last 5 years has been overwhelming; appearing as one of the leaders in internet surfing growth from cell phones – according to data from 2016. The increase in mobile traffic to Pornhub amongst Cuban users was 310%.
The explanation of this phenomenon became evident since the implementation and increase of Wi-Fi points in the country as of 2013, the reduction in navigation rates in 2015 and the enablement of access through mobile data in December 2018. Therefore, the consumption of pornography in Cuba is under new conditions caused by increased internet access.
To undertake this article, 20 young Cubans were surveyed – aged between 20 and 35 years. 15% confessed to consume online pornography, arguing that the facilities had arisen in the face of greater internet access within recent years. 55% admitted having downloaded pornographic videos from websites such as Bingoporno, Miporno and of course – Pornhub.
What motivates a Cuban to use the Internet to consume porn (at its still relatively expensive price) when the distribution by USBs still works effectively? The possibility of choosing content within greater diversity – was one of the responses of the respondents.
Telegram and its XXX channels
When the cost of Internet browsing is as high as it is in our country, any tool that promises to speed up the process and optimize our search is a treasure. Telegram, the application developed by the Dúrov brothers – launched in 2013, provides the user with a huge amount of multimedia content in the most automatic way possible.
In 2015, the application incorporated the “channels” service. Through this option it is possible to send all types of files on a massive scale; allowing users to subscribe in an open and unlimited way. These channels can be found on the web via a URL – being able to access the entire history of sent messages.
Hundreds of institutions and individuals currently use this route to disseminate their contents, and of course the proliferation of XXX channels was notoriously fruitful.
At the end of the year 2019 there were hundreds of Telegram channels where pornographic content was shared. By subscribing to one of these channels – The Bots – the virtual assistants of Telegram, a board of options is shown with the most diverse sexual content.
In this way, the user can select the variety of his or her preference, and the bot redirects him or her to the videos of that category. This process saves the user considerable navigation time trying to find and select the specific content that they are looking for.
Some of these sites are very active; publishing dozens of daily videos and with several thousand subscribers. There are also channels specializing in home or amateur videos; the category that tops the list of preferences, according to Pornhub statistics.
Of the young people surveyed, 25% admitted to subscribing to an XXX channel on Telegram.
Is pornography morally acceptable?
What is understood as pornography is conditioned by the subjectivities of each person with respect to sex. But the conception is – almost always, of a video or photograph showing sexual intercourse or an explicit sexual act. This explicitness is what the user, spectator, consumer – expects. What the industry has created as an expectation, and what differentiates a pornographic material from an erotic one.
The human being is, in general, highly sensitive to visual stimuli, the inclination to observe sexual scenes is an innate characteristic. The areas of the brain that are activated when watching pornography are the same that are stimulated during sexual intercourse, the brain releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter mainly associated with the anticipation of reward that also acts in the programming of memories and of information in the brain.
This means that when the body wants, for example, food or sex, the brain remembers what it must do to get the same pleasure as on previous occasions. This, combined with the accessibility and anonymity provided by the consumption of porn, makes us extremely sensitive subjects to its hyper stimulant effects.
There are conflicting opinions about the morality of pornography; a sector of society condemns it for its commercial nature and because it can trigger an addictive and therefore harmful vice for the individual.
However, a current train of thought considers it an art form, in order to show the beauty of human sexuality. Some defend this precept by arguing that it is a form of freedom, and that it is fundamental to the evolution of a society free from prejudices and taboos.
All of the 20 young people surveyed, confessed to having accessed pornography, 55% of them being women, thus demonstrating that females, who historically represent a smaller percentage, are also consumers of this industry. However, there are few those who dare to admit it – as they remain subjugated to the social prejudices of yesteryear.
The survey also revealed that 70% had made homemade pornographic videos with their partners, 50% had maintained telephone sex, via instant messaging or video calls, and another 35% admitted that they would like to try this practice. The opinions in general of the young people with whom I had the opportunity to spend time with, were of support and acceptance to the porn industry – 95% of them said that they considered it morally acceptable.
However, all agreed on the danger of excess. The scenes that can be seen in porn, as with addictive substances, are hyper stimulant triggers that produce an unnatural secretion of high levels of dopamine, which can deteriorate the reward system of dopamine and render it useless in the face of a natural pleasure source.
Psychiatrist Norman Doidge explains it this way:
“Pornography satisfies each of the prerequisites for neuroplastic change. When pornographers boast that they are going one step further by introducing new and stronger themes, they forget that they must do so because their clients are developing a tolerance to the usual content.”
The data collected by Pornhub reveals that conventional sex is less and less interesting for consumers, who replace it with themes such as incest or violence. The perpetuation of sexual violence is especially worrisome, as it could directly influence the statistics of violent episodes in real life.
What is the position of the Cuban state in the face of the increase in porn consumption in our country?
The current Law no. 62 of the Criminal Code of Cuba (Art. 303, subsection C), penalizes with a penalty of deprivation of liberty ranging from three months to one year, or a fine of 100 to 300 installments to he who “produces or circulates publications, prints, film tapes or tape, recordings, photographs or other objects that are obscene, with a tendency to pervert and degrade customs. ”
What are those objects? What is considered obscene? What can pervert and degrade customs? Which customs? As much as the State tries to keep Cubans outside of the “obscenities” considered improper in the socialist system, the ports of entry always mocked them. If not, how did Playboy magazines and graphic-erotic novels enter the country? And the “original” movies on VHS, with their covers illustrated in colors?
The USB distribution – copying content on external discs – revolutionized the modalities of audiovisual consumption in Cuba. Thus, resulting in the first channel for the “virilization” of content on the Island. Porn, was not left out.
So how could the government control the consumption of porn over the Internet? What mechanisms does one adopt in restricting access to pornographic content for children and adolescents?
Although many have insisted on showing a “neat” image of Cuba in that sense, the consumption of pornography among adolescents is a reality, even within educational centers. In the surveys carried out, 65% confessed to having consumed pornography before the age of 15, and 15% of them admitted to having started watching porn merely out of curiosity.
The most alarming of these figures is that if we take into account that we are talking about the 90s and the beginning of the 2000s, when the access and distribution of pornography was negligible compared to the current levels, it can be speculated that the percentages are much higher in children and adolescents today.
There is, at least not legally or publicly registered, any mechanism for the Cuban telecommunications company – ETECSA, to regulate the consumption of pornography – especially the consumption among minors.
These mechanisms could be aimed at identifying the mobile devices of children and adolescents to restrict access to this type of material, create alert generation systems before the attempt to access these devices, by sending notifications to parents, encouraging the use of parental control tools.
These actions could be considered duties of the company with respect to consumption via the Internet. The rest would be the responsibility of families and school institutions, although controlling all distribution channels among minors is practically impossible, especially when there are very popular alternative channels in Cuba, such as Zapya, a mobile application for wireless file sharing, or the USB copy.
The scenario demands to modernize the regulations. It is absurd that the production and distribution of pornographic material is penalized or that its exhibition in theaters is censored and its entry intended to be controlled from abroad, when the Internet remains an open and increasingly popular channel in Cuba, as in the rest of the world, for all those activities.
It’s necessary to admit that the consumption of pornography in Cuba is a fact; open your eyes to the reality of what has been going on for decades and that it is gaining more strength in the face of the internet’s rise and access in our country.
Instead of masking the truths and trying to avoid the tarnishing of this false image of ‘the preservers of good manners and morality’, it is imperative to adapt regulations and laws so that they themselves may adapt to the times we are living in, and thus work so that the explosion of multimedia does not foment crime or especially affect children and adolescents – the most vulnerable to all these changes.
May與古巴先生在台南開古巴餐館 2020/3/9

原文網址: 愛上台灣原鄉!Petr熱愛探索山林中未竟之地 與妻子舉辦多場台灣罕見山區越野馬拉松 | ETtoday生活 | ETtoday新聞雲 https://www.ettoday.net/news/20200309/1659485.htm#ixzz6GAGEVerE
浪漫的氣味 古巴雪茄幻化月相之美2020/03/10 自由日報
浪漫的氣味 古巴雪茄幻化月相之美2020/03/10 自由日報
〔記者方惠宗/台北報導〕瑞士高級製錶商Zenith(真力時)與古巴著名雪茄製造商Habanos(哈伯納斯)共同揭開雙方最新合作的「羅密歐與茱麗葉特別版腕錶」,透過全新情侶對錶彰顯Elite系列的雋永之美,以及「羅密歐與茱麗葉精品雪茄」(Romeo Y Julieta)的迷人魅力,同時紀念羅密歐與茱麗葉雪茄品牌成立145週年,全球限量發售145對。
Zenith Elite系列月相腕錶茱麗葉腕錶。(Zenith提供)
Zenith Elite系列羅密歐腕錶。(Zenith提供)
牙買加防堵武漢肺炎 要找百名古巴護士幫忙2020/3/14
牙買加總理霍尼斯(Andrew Holness)。(圖:Andrew Holness推特)
牙買加總理霍尼斯(Andrew Holness)13日宣佈,由於冠狀病毒感染的威脅,宣佈牙買加為災區,並且尋求100名古巴護士來協助因應。
古巴「神奇藥品」 攻克肺炎之鑰?2020-03-19 聯合報A12
登革熱外,a2b的療效在對B與C型肝炎、帶狀皰疹及HIV-AIDS等疾病,也都已經得到肯定。二○○三年中古兩國合資成立長春海伯爾生技公司後,已在二○○八年推出a2b注射液,且很快得到認可,「口碑極高」。 如今,醫界認為a2b對於類似COVID-19的病毒治療,應該有效,可以阻止病情惡化與致死的併發症。
當年的神奇之藥a2b,這次是否能夠再次神奇,還待分曉。不過,除了近鄰牙買加商請古巴來幫忙 ,也有不少拉丁美洲國家如巴拿馬、委內瑞拉、智利等向古巴進口該項產品;甚至,對哈瓦那很不友善、去年等於是驅離古巴醫生的巴西,也因疫情轉惡而要請古巴派遣醫生。更遠的南韓與德國,也都已使用a2b,在其八千多與九千多病患中,死亡人數相對較低,分別是八十四與廿六人。
古巴也派遣一組醫護人員,協同大陸專家前往幫助義大利;英國郵輪布雷默號在吃了多國閉門羹後,最後由古巴接納停靠其港口,有一千多乘客,含四十五位確診或需隔離的人。(郵輪上乘客Steve Dale的推文說,「我們應該記住古巴為我們所做的一切,在這些大英國協國家或保護國沒有一人願意提供任何協助時,古巴伸出了援手。」)(馮建三/政大新聞系教授/台北市)
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