二,這篇文章發表在Sociological Inquiry,
Vol. 79, No. 2, May 2009, 163–189
題名:Shared Memories,
Common Vision: Generations, Sociopolitical Consciousness and Resistance among
Cuban Women*
(二)、在前述過程,詢問填達者是否願意進一步參加焦點訪談(18-34歲 34人,35-54歲 27人,55歲以上31人);
(三)、另對22位女性進行每人1-2小時的非結構式訪談(18-34, 9人,35-54 6人,55以上7人)全文第一段:
Much has been written
about modern Cuba’s
problems, but little about what it
means to be part of a
society that believes in “the Revolution” and the possibility of a
new order. The challenge
is not only to understand why some Cubans do not believe but to also recognize
the commitment of those who do. Based on how they identify key events in Cuban
history, we focus on two distinct generations of Cuban women: an older“Revolution” generation and a
younger “Special Period” generation.
Analyzing transcripts from
in-depth focus group conversations and face-to-face interviews, we argue that depending
on their historical location, Cuban women differ both within and between generations
in terms of their sociopolitical world views, especially in how they conceptualize
their place in the Revolution and in their strategies of resistance throughout Cuba’s
current economic crisis, a period known by Cubans as the Special Period.
Their words describe in
detail what their beliefs mean to them, and how they live them.